Blue Flame

Inventors of the log lighter to ignite wood in a fireplace, instead of using paper and kindling. Blue Flame provides high-quality natural and gas fireplace and firepit products.

Blue Flame

Having a relationship with a client for over 20 years matters. We have helped them with every aspect of their creative and marketing needs. It’s a continued partnership that we value. Not to mention all the awesome projects we get our hands on.
What We Did:
Website | Print Design | Packaging | Logo | Tradeshow Booth | Roll-Up Banners | Photography


Custom E-commerce website that provides multiple shipping options such as FEDEX and UPS.
Blue Flame Web Homepage Mockup

Graphic Design

High Quality tradeshow rollup banners, brochures and other custom print design and materials.
Blue Flame Header Card Graphic
Blue Flame RollUP Banner Graphic


Parts and components require an intricate attention to detail to make these client's merchandise stand out from the competition.
Blue Flame - Gas Valve
Blue Flame - Gas Valve
Blue Flame - Gas Valve
Blue Flame - Log Carrier Bag
Blue Flame - Log Carrier Bag
Blue Flame - Log Carrier Bag
(949) 493-5182
27201 Puerta Real, Suite 300, Mission Viejo, CA 92691